// checkstyle: Checks Java source code for adherence to a set of rules.
// Copyright (C) 2001-2019 the original author or authors.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package com.github.sevntu.checkstyle.checks.coding;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* <p>
* This check verifies that large numeric literals are spaced by underscores.
* </p>
* <p>
* Java 7 allows for underscores to delimit numeric literals to enhance readability because
* very large numeric literals are hard to read. For example:
* </p>
* <code>
* long creditCardNumber = 1234_5678_1234_5678L;
* </code>
* <p>
* is much easier to read than
* </p>
* <code>
* long creditCardNumber = 1234567812345678L;
* </code>
* <p>
* This check comes with the following parameters:
* </p>
* <p>
* "minDecimalSymbolLength" - The minimum number of symbols in a decimal literal (includes int,
* long, float, and double) before the check begins to look for underscores. Numeric literals
* with delimiters like decimal points or exponentials will be split before checking the
* length. Default is 7.
* </p>
* <p>
* "maxDecimalSymbolsUntilUnderscore" - The maximum number of symbols in a decimal literal
* allowed before the check demands an underscore. This does not take postfixes and delimiters
* like decimal points and exponentials into account. Default is 3.
* </p>
* <p>
* "minHexSymbolLength" - The minimum number of symbols in a hex literal before the check
* begins to look for underscores. Numeric literals with delimiters like decimal points or
* exponentials will be split before checking the length. Default is 5.
* </p>
* <p>
* "maxHexSymbolsUntilUnderscore" - The maximum number of symbols in a hex literal allowed
* before the check demands an underscore. This does not take the prefix 0x, delimiters like
* decimal points and exponentials, and postfixes into account. Default is 4.
* </p>
* <p>
* "minBinarySymbolLength" - The minimum number of symbols in a binary literal before the check
* begins to look for underscores. Default is 9.
* </p>
* <p>
* "maxBinarySymbolsUntilUnderscore" - The maximum number of symbols in a binary literal
* allowed before the check demands an underscore. This does not take the prefix 0b and
* postfixes into account. Default is 8.
* </p>
* <p>
* Examples (assuming default parameters):
* </p>
* <pre>
* // Ignored because length of token is 6, which is less than minDecimalSymbolLength (7)
* int ignoredDecimal = 123456;
* // Ignored because the postfix L is not taken into account
* long ignoredDecimal = 123456L;
* // Ignored because each segment delimited by the decimal point has a length
* // less than minDecimalSymbolLength (7)
* float ignoredDecimal = 123456.123456f;
* // Failed because token does not have underscores every 3 characters
* // (maxDecimalSymbolsUntilUnderscore = 3)
* int failingDecimal = 1234567;
* double failingDecimal = 1.1234567e0d;
* int passingDecimal = 1_234_567;
* double passingDecimal = 123456.123456e0d;
* double passingDecimal = 1.123_456_7e0d;
* int ignoredHex = 0xFFFF;
* int failingHex = 0xFFFFFFFF;
* int passingHex = 0xFFFF_FFFF;
* float passingHex = 0xAAAA.BBBBp1f;
* int ignoredBinary = 0b01010101;
* int failingBinary = 0b0000000000000000;
* int passingBinary = 0b00000000_00000000;
* </pre>
* <p>
* An example of how to configure parameters:
* </p>
* <pre>
* <module name="NumericLiteralNeedsUnderscoreCheck">
* <property name="minDecimalSymbolLength" value="4"/>
* <property name="maxDecimalSymbolsUntilUnderscore" value="3"/>
* <property name="minHexSymbolLength" value="3"/>
* <property name="maxHexSymbolsUntilUnderscore" value="2"/>
* <property name="minBinarySymbolLength" value="5"/>
* <property name="maxBinarySymbolsUntilUnderscore" value="4"/>
* </module>
* </pre>
* <p>
* Examples (assuming above parameters):
* </p>
* <pre>
* // Ignored because length of token is 3, which is less than minDecimalSymbolLength (4)
* int ignoredDecimal = 123;
* // Ignored because each segment delimited by the decimal point has a length
* // less than minDecimalSymbolLength (4)
* float ignoredDecimal = 123.123f;
* // Failed because token does not have underscores every 3 characters
* // (maxDecimalSymbolsUntilUnderscore = 3)
* int failingDecimal = 1234;
* int passingDecimal = 1_234;
* int ignoredHex = 0xFF;
* int failingHex = 0xFFFF;
* int passingHex = 0xFF_FF;
* int ignoredBinary = 0b0101;
* int failingBinary = 0b00001111;
* int passingBinary = 0b0000_1111;
* </pre>
* @author Cheng-Yu Pai
* @since 1.18.0
public class NumericLiteralNeedsUnderscoreCheck extends AbstractCheck {
* Key for error message.
public static final String MSG_KEY = "numeric.literal.need.underscore";
* Type of numeric literal.
protected enum NumericType {
* Denotes a decimal literal. For example, 1.2f
* Denotes a hex literal. For example, 0x00FF
* Denotes a binary literal. For example, 0b0011
* Default minimum symbols for a decimal literal before checking.
private static final int DEFAULT_MIN_DECIMAL_SYMBOL_LEN = 7;
* Default maximum symbols for a decimal literal before it demands an underscore.
* Default minimum symbols for a hex literal before checking.
private static final int DEFAULT_MIN_HEX_SYMBOL_LEN = 5;
* Default maximum symbols for a hex literal before it demands an underscore.
private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_HEX_SYMBOLS_UNTIL_UNDERSCORE = 4;
* Default minimum symbols for a binary literal before checking.
private static final int DEFAULT_MIN_BINARY_SYMBOL_LEN = 9;
* Default maximum symbols for a binary literal before it demands an underscore.
* Default regexp for fields to ignore for this check.
private static final Pattern DEFAULT_IGNORE_FIELD_NAME_PATTERN =
* Regex for splitting a decimal literal into checkable substrings.
private static final Pattern DECIMAL_SPLITTER = Pattern.compile("[\\.eE]");
* Regex for splitting a hex literal into checkable substrings.
private static final Pattern HEX_SPLITTER = Pattern.compile("[\\.pP]");
* Length of prefixes. Prefixes are 0x and 0b.
private static final int PREFIX_LENGTH = 2;
* Unexpected numeric type error string.
private static final String UNEXPECTED_NUMERIC_TYPE_ERROR = "Unexpected numeric type ";
* Minimum symbols for a decimal literal before checking.
private int minDecimalSymbolLength = DEFAULT_MIN_DECIMAL_SYMBOL_LEN;
* Maximum symbols for a decimal literal before it demands an underscore.
private int maxDecimalSymbolsUntilUnderscore = DEFAULT_MAX_DECIMAL_SYMBOLS_UNTIL_UNDERSCORE;
* Minimum symbols for a hex literal before checking.
private int minHexSymbolLength = DEFAULT_MIN_HEX_SYMBOL_LEN;
* Maximum symbols for a hex literal before it demands an underscore.
private int maxHexSymbolsUntilUnderscore = DEFAULT_MAX_HEX_SYMBOLS_UNTIL_UNDERSCORE;
* Minimum symbols for a binary literal before checking.
private int minBinarySymbolLength = DEFAULT_MIN_BINARY_SYMBOL_LEN;
* Maximum symbols for a binary literal before it demands an underscore.
private int maxBinarySymbolsUntilUnderscore = DEFAULT_MAX_BINARY_SYMBOLS_UNTIL_UNDERSCORE;
* Regexp for fields to ignore.
private Pattern ignoreFieldNamePattern = DEFAULT_IGNORE_FIELD_NAME_PATTERN;
* Sets how many characters in a decimal literal there must be before it checks for an
* underscore.
* @param length
* minimum checking length of the literal
public void setMinDecimalSymbolLength(int length) {
minDecimalSymbolLength = length;
* Sets how many characters there can be until there must be an underscore (for decimal
* literals).
* @param amount
* maximum number of characters between underscores
public void setMaxDecimalSymbolsUntilUnderscore(int amount) {
maxDecimalSymbolsUntilUnderscore = amount;
* Sets how many characters in a hex literal there must be before it checks for an
* underscore.
* @param length
* minimum checking length of the literal
public void setMinHexSymbolLength(int length) {
minHexSymbolLength = length;
* Sets how many characters there can be until there must be an underscore (for hex
* literals).
* @param amount
* maximum number of characters between underscores
public void setMaxHexSymbolsUntilUnderscore(int amount) {
maxHexSymbolsUntilUnderscore = amount;
* Sets how many characters in a byte literal there must be before it checks for an
* underscore.
* @param length
* minimum checking length of the literal
public void setMinBinarySymbolLength(int length) {
minBinarySymbolLength = length;
* Sets how many characters there can be until there must be an underscore (binary
* literals).
* @param amount
* maximum number of characters between underscores
public void setMaxBinarySymbolsUntilUnderscore(int amount) {
maxBinarySymbolsUntilUnderscore = amount;
* Sets the regexp pattern for field names to ignore.
* @param pattern
* the regexp pattern of fields to ignore
public void setIgnoreFieldNamePattern(String pattern) {
ignoreFieldNamePattern = Pattern.compile(pattern);
public int[] getDefaultTokens() {
return new int[] {
public int[] getAcceptableTokens() {
return getDefaultTokens();
public int[] getRequiredTokens() {
return getDefaultTokens();
public void visitToken(final DetailAST ast) {
if (!passesCheck(ast)) {
log(ast, MSG_KEY);
* Checks if the provided token is a field.
* @param ast
* the token to check
* @return whether or not the token is a field
private static boolean isField(final DetailAST ast) {
DetailAST current = ast;
while (current.getParent() != null && current.getType() != TokenTypes.VARIABLE_DEF) {
current = current.getParent();
return current.getType() == TokenTypes.VARIABLE_DEF
&& current.findFirstToken(TokenTypes.MODIFIERS)
.findFirstToken(TokenTypes.LITERAL_STATIC) != null
&& current.findFirstToken(TokenTypes.MODIFIERS)
.findFirstToken(TokenTypes.FINAL) != null;
* Returns the provided field's name.
* @param ast
* the field for which the function looks for a name
* @return the field's name
private static String getFieldName(final DetailAST ast) {
DetailAST current = ast;
while (current.getType() != TokenTypes.VARIABLE_DEF) {
current = current.getParent();
current = current.getFirstChild();
while (current.getType() != TokenTypes.IDENT) {
current = current.getNextSibling();
return current.getText();
* Returns true if the ast passes the check.
* @param ast
* the numeric literal to check
* @return if the numeric literal passes the check
private boolean passesCheck(final DetailAST ast) {
boolean passing;
if (isField(ast) && ignoreFieldNamePattern.matcher(getFieldName(ast)).find()) {
passing = true;
else {
final String rawLiteral = ast.getText();
final NumericType type = getNumericType(rawLiteral);
final int minCheckingLength = minSymbolsBeforeChecking(type);
final int symbolsUntilUnderscore = maxSymbolsUntilUnderscore(type);
final String strippedLiteral = removePrePostfixByType(rawLiteral, type);
final String[] numericSegments = getNumericSegments(strippedLiteral, type);
passing = true;
for (String numericSegment : numericSegments) {
if (!numericSegmentPassesRequirement(numericSegment,
minCheckingLength, symbolsUntilUnderscore)) {
passing = false;
return passing;
* Parses the numeric literal to return the minimum checking length for the literal's type.
* @param type
* the type of numerical literal
* @return minimum length before checking
private int minSymbolsBeforeChecking(NumericType type) {
final int minLength;
if (type.equals(NumericType.DECIMAL)) {
minLength = minDecimalSymbolLength;
else if (type.equals(NumericType.HEX)) {
minLength = minHexSymbolLength;
else if (type.equals(NumericType.BINARY)) {
minLength = minBinarySymbolLength;
else {
throw new IllegalStateException(UNEXPECTED_NUMERIC_TYPE_ERROR
+ type.toString());
return minLength;
* Parses the numeric literal to return the maximum number of characters before there must
* be an underscore for the literal's type.
* @param type
* the type of numerical literal
* @return maximum number of characters between underscores
private int maxSymbolsUntilUnderscore(NumericType type) {
final int maxSymbols;
if (type.equals(NumericType.DECIMAL)) {
maxSymbols = maxDecimalSymbolsUntilUnderscore;
else if (type.equals(NumericType.HEX)) {
maxSymbols = maxHexSymbolsUntilUnderscore;
else if (type.equals(NumericType.BINARY)) {
maxSymbols = maxBinarySymbolsUntilUnderscore;
else {
throw new IllegalStateException(UNEXPECTED_NUMERIC_TYPE_ERROR
+ type.toString());
return maxSymbols;
* <p>
* Generates easily checkable numeric tokens from the raw literal text, assuming
* the numeric type provided.
* </p>
* <p>
* For example: 123.4567 passes because each section itself is not too long and is
* perfectly readable.
* </p>
* Additionally, Java will not compile underscores next to decimal points etc.
* @param strippedLiteral
* numeric literal stripped of any prefixes and postfixes
* @param type
* the numeric type of the literal
* @return numeric tokens (segments) without non-numeric characters
private static String[] getNumericSegments(String strippedLiteral, NumericType type) {
final String[] numericSegments;
if (type.equals(NumericType.DECIMAL)) {
numericSegments = DECIMAL_SPLITTER.split(strippedLiteral);
else if (type.equals(NumericType.HEX)) {
numericSegments = HEX_SPLITTER.split(strippedLiteral);
else if (type.equals(NumericType.BINARY)) {
numericSegments = new String[1];
numericSegments[0] = strippedLiteral;
else {
throw new IllegalStateException(UNEXPECTED_NUMERIC_TYPE_ERROR
+ type.toString());
return numericSegments;
* <p>
* Returns the type of numeric literal given the raw text.
* </p>
* <p>
* Decimal literals are normal numbers. Example: 1, 1.0, 1.0e0f, 1L
* </p>
* <p>
* Hex literals are preceded by 0x. Example: 0xDEADBEEF, 0xA.Bp1d
* </p>
* <p>
* Binary literals are preceded by 0b. Example: 0b00001111
* </p>
* @param rawLiteral
* numeric literal
* @return the type of literal (either decimal, hex, or binary)
private static NumericType getNumericType(String rawLiteral) {
final NumericType type;
if (rawLiteral.length() < PREFIX_LENGTH) {
type = NumericType.DECIMAL;
else {
final String prefix = rawLiteral.substring(0, PREFIX_LENGTH);
if ("0x".equals(prefix)) {
type = NumericType.HEX;
else if ("0b".equals(prefix)) {
type = NumericType.BINARY;
else {
type = NumericType.DECIMAL;
return type;
* Returns whether or not the text passes the underscore requirement given the text and
* minimum length.
* @param numericSegment
* the numeric segment to check
* @param minLength
* minimum length for the numericSegment
* @param symbolsUntilUnderscore
* maximum number of characters until there must be an underscore
* @return whether or not the numeric segment passes the requirements
private static boolean numericSegmentPassesRequirement(String numericSegment,
int minLength, int symbolsUntilUnderscore) {
boolean passes = true;
if (numericSegment.length() >= minLength) {
final char underscore = '_';
int symbolCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numericSegment.length(); i++) {
final char current = numericSegment.charAt(i);
if (symbolCount >= symbolsUntilUnderscore && current != underscore) {
passes = false;
if (current == underscore) {
symbolCount = 0;
else {
return passes;
* Removes 0x, 0b prefixes, and l, L, f, F, d, D postfixes from numeric literals.
* @param rawLiteral
* the numeric literal that needs to be stripped of prefixes and postfixes
* @param literalType
* the type of the literal being passed in
* @return a stripped version of the raw literal
private static String removePrePostfixByType(String rawLiteral, NumericType literalType) {
String processedLiteral;
if (literalType.equals(NumericType.DECIMAL)) {
processedLiteral = removeLetterPostfix(rawLiteral);
else if (literalType.equals(NumericType.HEX)) {
processedLiteral = removePrefix(rawLiteral);
processedLiteral = removePostfixHex(processedLiteral);
else if (literalType.equals(NumericType.BINARY)) {
processedLiteral = removePrefix(rawLiteral);
processedLiteral = removeLetterPostfix(processedLiteral);
else {
throw new IllegalStateException(UNEXPECTED_NUMERIC_TYPE_ERROR
+ literalType.toString());
return processedLiteral;
* Removes the prefixes 0x and 0b.
* @param text
* the text to remove the prefixes
* @return the text without the prefixes
private static String removePrefix(String text) {
return text.substring(PREFIX_LENGTH);
* Removes the postfix from the text if it exists. Does not handle hex literals correctly,
* for that use removePostfixHex.
* @param text
* the text to remove the postfixes
* @return the text without the postfixes
private static String removeLetterPostfix(String text) {
final char lastchar = text.charAt(text.length() - 1);
final String noPostfixText;
if (Character.isDigit(lastchar)) {
noPostfixText = text;
else {
noPostfixText = text.substring(0, text.length() - 1);
return noPostfixText;
* Removes the postfix from the hex literal text if it exists. Does not handle other
* literals correctly, for those use removeLetterPostfix.
* @param text
* the text to remove the postfixes
* @return the text without the postfixes
private static String removePostfixHex(String text) {
final char lastchar = Character.toUpperCase(text.charAt(text.length() - 1));
boolean hasPostfix = false;
if (lastchar == 'L') {
// Example: 0x00FFL
hasPostfix = true;
else if (lastchar == 'F' && (text.contains("p") || text.contains("P"))) {
// Example: 0x1.0p1f (Hex Float)
hasPostfix = true;
final String noPostfixText;
if (hasPostfix) {
noPostfixText = text.substring(0, text.length() - 1);
else {
noPostfixText = text;
return noPostfixText;